What Are the Components of a Simple, Effective Website?

Despite the fact that running a website is easy, people tend to be really bad at making simple sites.

I’ve helped thousands of folks put together websites, and the most common mistake they make is to overcomplicate things.

If you stick to the items listed below, you’ll avoid the pitfalls of over-complication, and you’ll end up with a simple website that just works for your audience. Here are the essentials:

  1. Custom domain name
  2. Clean code that is search engine-friendly
  3. Clear and concise navigation
  4. An “About” page
  5. Vital information visitors want to know about you or your business

The first two items listed above are technical in nature and, at a glance, would seem to require some experience with websites to pull ’em off adequately.

Fortunately, the web is pretty easy these days, and the answer is simpler than that.

On the next slide, I’ll show you the three easiest ways to set up a simple website that accomplishes the points presented above.

Next: Three Easy Ways to Set Up Your Own Website »