No matter what kind of Web site you run, your goal is always the same: to communicate your message as effectively as possible to your intended audience.
If the content of your site represents your message, then typography is the vehicle through which that message is delivered. Ironically, this is probably the most important area where WordPress themes (and Web sites in general) fall short.
While that’s bad news for the masses, it’s actually great news for you, because I’ve got a 3-column cure for all your typographical woes—the Neoclassical Theme for WordPress.
Because it’s always time to change your image…
Probably the coolest feature of the Neoclassical Theme is the huge rotating header image, which I designed with customization in mind. Even the novices among you will have no trouble placing your own images in the rotator, and once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to rotate as many images as you like.
The bottom line here is that images are cool. Big images are even cooler. But big images that are randomly generated?
Off the charts.
It’s time to cash in on that link equity
The blogosphere has been abuzz of late with news of Google PageRank updates and, more specifically, with news that the big G may be penalizing people for selling links. Whether or not that’s true should be of little issue to you, primarily because this entire fiasco boils down to one central topic: link equity.
Essentially, link equity is the idea that links have a value—a value that search engines can use to gauge the importance of both your page and the page to which you’re linking. Of course, if you have a link-heavy site, it’s going to be much harder to determine (algorithmically) the true value of a particular link.
Moreover, when you throw in a few paid or sponsored links, especially ones that appear site-wide and have little or no topical relevance, you are muddying your own linking waters.
So, what’s a Webmaster to do?
Ultimately, I would recommend that you rule your site with an iron fist, thinking critically and logically every time you place a link on your site. In the short term, though, you can get a head start on improving your internal link equity by using the Neoclassical Theme on your site.
Generally speaking, WordPress themes have become extremely link-intensive through the incorporation of things like category links, page links, calendars, widgets, etc. Because these types of links tend to appear site-wide, they not only dilute your linking landscape, but they also create a “flat” internal linking structure where it’s incredibly difficult for an algorithm to determine the relative importance of an individual link.
The bottom line is that the Neoclassical Theme is crafted so that your links will pack as much punch as possible. I’ve tried to cut the “link fat” wherever it made sense to do so, and the end result is, I believe, likely the most advanced WordPress theme on the market today in terms of SEO.
Did I mention it also has big header images?
Update: The Neoclassical Theme is no longer available, but that’s because all my focus is now on…Focus…which you can check out below.