Thesis WordPress Theme System

Since 2008, I’ve been building Thesis, which began life as a simple WordPress Theme but has since transformed into a replacement for the antiquated WordPress Theme system.

Few understand why Thesis needs to exist, but the bottom line is Thesis provides organizational leverage and efficiencies that WordPress cannot. This enables people like me to create smart, useful, and manageable design solutions for you.

Simple explanation: With Thesis, you can run a much faster site that is easier to manage and customize.

Technical explanation: Thesis is an object-oriented system with modular components you can use to build templates, websites, apps, or anything else that runs on WordPress.

In addition, Thesis is the only website software on the planet with an options-driven design system that includes CSS Variables.

I used this leverage to create Focus—a modern design based on the principles of Golden Ratio Typography.

If you demand maximum control over your design, formatting, customizations, and integrations, then you’ve got to have Thesis + Focus!

How You Can Use Thesis

Although I sold Thesis from March 29, 2008 through January 25, 2019, I am no longer selling it as a standalone product.

Instead, Thesis is now bundled with Focus. Together, Thesis and Focus function as a super-powered replacement for whatever garbage WordPress Theme you’re currently running.

Head over to my business site, DIYthemes, to learn more about Focus.